There are official rules which have been established by the KGBA Board, which must be followed to have a sanctioned Kinder show. Once you have read the rules and printed a copy to refer to, you may begin the steps to have a sanctioned Kinder show in your area.
** Sanction fees are currently waived for all shows

Important Show Documentions
- Show Sanction Application
- Kinder Goat Score Card
- Official Show Rules & Regulations
- Sample Class Schedule
First, you will need a judge. A KGBA approved judge, which is a licensed ADGA judge or a licensed pygmy goat judge (licensed meat goat judges are not acceptable) who has received copies of the Kinder goat score card, breed standard and the KGBA show rules and regulations at least 30 days before the show. The person organizing the Kinder show is responsible for sending these papers to the judge. Judges generally charge several hundreds of dollars for a fee plus travel and expenses. You will also need a location to hold a show with adequate room for animal stalls and parking for exhibitors and visitors. There is usually a hefty fee for this rental if only to cover liability insurance for the event. These two items have kept me working with other organizations to add a Kinder show with an existing show rather than trying to create a stand-alone Kinder show. I have been told the cost of renting a facility for the show and the fee for the judge is normally taken from the cost of entry fee per animal, stall rental for animals, etc. so the more people involved sharing the expense the easier it is to afford.
Another requirement to qualify for sanction (not counting the appropriate paper work which must be completed and submitted to the KGBA Show Director along with a fee) is having enough registered or certificate of merit animals per class. There is a list of Kinder classes for a show for junior does, senior does, junior bucks, senior bucks, and chevon. These are listed in the rules and regulations, as is the number required for each show: senior does require a minimum of 9 entries, junior does a minimum of 6 entries, senior bucks a minimum of 6 entries, junior bucks a minimum of 4 entries and chevon a minimum of 3 entries. Our state fair also has a requirement of a minimum of three breeders from our state to participate for the breed to be included in the show schedule.

The sanction form must be sent to the KGBA Show Director at least 8 weeks before the date of the show. Please follow up to make certain that everything was received and is in order for the show to be approved providing there are enough animals at the show, then let the director know where the rosette’s for the show need to be sent (to the person organizing the show). As with any show, notify everyone and invite them to participate in the show, advertise, advertise, advertise. Send out show registrations to people and as they are returned keep a roster of the classes and who is registered for each class. You will need to pay the sponsoring group their fee for adding the Kinder show. At the show you will need a ring steward to help keep the classes running smoothly, make certain all entries are ready to enter the gate when the class is announced. You will need a secretary to record the placing of each class and make sure the judge signs off on each class. After the show these papers will need to be mailed to the KGBA show director to complete the sanctioning requirements. It is also nice if you can find someone to take photographs to send in to the KGBA for the web site, newsletter, etc.
Finally, have fun!!! Holding a show is a lot of work, but it is also great fun to meet other Kinder owners in your area and to see their wonderful goats. Good luck at the shows!