The Kinder® is a midsize goat that is well proportioned in body length and legs. Its compact physique conforms to dairy characteristics despite its somewhat heavy bone and lean, yet well muscled structure. The Kinder goat is a prolific, productive, alert, animated, good-natured and gregarious breed.

General Apperance
20″- 26″ at the withers for does, maximum 28″ for bucks. (Does should average around 115 pounds and bucks around 135).
Moderate Faults:
- Overly long in the body
Serious Faults:
- Overly long or short in the leg
Short, fine textured.
Any colors, any markings are acceptable.
Strong, clean-cut, balanced, with deep jaw and wide muzzle and nostrils. Straight or dished face. Ears are long and wide, resting below horizontal. Genetically horned; disbudding and dehorning recommended. (NOTE: in order to show at sanctioned shows, animals must be disbudded or dehorned). Large eyes, widely set, bright and animated.
Moderate Faults:
- Long muzzle
- Jowls lacking muscle tone
- Pig eyed
Serious Faults:
- Narrow, snipey muzzle
- Underdeveloped jowls
- Narrow forehead
- Closely set eyes
- Ears above horizontal
Very Serious Faults:
- Crooked face
- Slightly misaligned jaw/bite
- Swollen jowls
- Bulbous forehead
- Protruding eyes
Disqualifying Faults:
- Under/overshot jaw/bite
- Disfiguring malocclusion
- Blindness or deafness
- Naturally polled
Muscular, well attached at withers and set smoothly on the chest wall. Point of shoulder behind brisket extension.
Moderate Faults:
- Lacking muscle tone
Serious Faults:
- Sharp or steep withers
Very Serious Faults:
- Open or poorly attached shoulders
- Recessed shoulders
Full, well muscled, not fatty.
Moderate Faults:
- Lacking in fullness
Strong, laterally straight, smooth transposition from withers, blending smoothly at hips into rump.
Moderate Faults:
- Poor transition to withers
Very Serious Faults:
- Swayed or roached
Level and straight.
Moderate Faults:
- Poor transition to withers
Wide, level and having moderate fleshing over short ribs.
Serious Faults:
- Lacking width
Gradual slope from hips to pins and otherwise wide and level from thurl to thurl. Pin bones should be moderately wide, set level with the tail head and have moderate fleshing.
Moderate Faults:
- Steep or overly short or long rump
- Lack of muscling over hips
Serious Faults:
- Lacking width
- Narrow or pinched hips
- Narrow or pinched pin bones
Moderately heavy boned but not coarse. Forelegs heavily boned, strong, sturdy, straight, and set wide apart. Rear legs straight when viewed from behind and set wide apart, providing ample height for udder clearance. Pasterns medium length. Strong and springy with proper slope. Well angulated from thurl to hock. Hock cleanly molded, straight from hock to pastern.
Moderate Faults:
- Flanks lacking muscle tone and/or depth
- Thighs shallow or weak
- Poorly angulated rear legs
Serious Faults:
- Fine boned or lacking width
- Postiness, cow, fiddle or sickle hocks
- Thighs lacking width
Very Serious Faults:
- Elbows not flush with torso
- Bowed or knock kneed
- Labored and/or stiff locomotion
Short, straight, with deep heel and level sole. Toes symmetrical and tight, not curled or splayed.
Moderate Faults:
- Misshapen
Serious Faults:
- Not symmetrical
- Splayed and/or curved
- Pasterns too long or too short
Very Serious Faults:
- Stiff or weak pasterns
- Pasterns lacking proper slope
Dairy/Meat Character
Moderate length, strong and muscular but not fat, smoothly blended to shoulder and brisket.
Serious Faults:
- Overly long or short
- Lacking muscle tone
Wedge shaped, slightly above and blending smoothly into the shoulder blade. Muscular but not fat, should be slightly higher than hips.
Serious Faults:
- Sharp or steep
Very Serious Faults:
- Recessed
Long, flat, and wide apart, well sprung and deep.
Serious Faults:
- Short or close
Very Serious Faults:
- Lacking spring of rib
Moderately deep and arched, with some increase in depth of flank over depth at heart girth.
Serious faults:
- Lack of muscle tone and/or depth
Muscular, but with some incurving when viewed from the side and rear; set apart and long with somewhat wide incurving escutcheon providing ample room for the udder.
Moderate Faults:
- Shallow or weak
Serious Faults:
- Poorly angulated
Very Serious Faults:
- Lacking width or height
Soft, fine textured, and pliable.
Body Capacity
Relatively large in proportion to the size of the animal, providing ample lung, digestive, and reproductive capacity, as well as strength, vigor, and stamina. Greater attention to depth and spring of rib than to body length.
Deep and wide with chest floor wide between forelegs and full at the point of the elbow.
Serious Faults
- Lacking chest floor width
Deep and strongly supported by ribs that are wide apart and well sprung; depth and width increasing toward the rear of the barrel.
Moderate Faults:
- Lacking symmetrical increase
Very Serious Faults:
- Narrow and/or shallow
Heart Girth:
Deep, resulting from long, well sprung fore ribs, wide chest floor, full at the point of elbow.
Very Serious Faults:
- Shallow
Prominent, extending beyond the point of shoulder when viewed from the side.
Very Serious Faults
- Flat, non-protruding
Disqualifying Faults:
- Concaved
Mammary System
Capacious, held high and properly hung.
Disqualifying Faults:
- Blind, non-functioning udder
Fore Udder:
Extended well forward, widely and tightly attached.
Moderate Faults:
- Lacking proper blending
Serious Faults:
- Lacking forward extension
- Narrow attachment
- Pocket and/or lack of muscle tone
Rear Udder:
Highly, widely, and tightly attached.
Serious Faults:
- Narrow
- Lacking muscle tone
Very Serious Faults:
- Overly long
- Unbalanced halves
Medial Suspensory Ligament:
Strong and dividing neatly into a wide, quite level udder floor with about 1/2″ deep cleft.
Very Serious Faults:
- Lacking definite small cleft between halves
Capacity and Shape:
Proportionately large capacity with uniform halves and soft texture adding to capacity.
Moderate Faults:
- Lacking comparable capacity
Very Serious Faults:
- Pendulous
- Unevenly hung
- Overly large for size of doe
Medium size, easy to milk, cylindrical, uniform, plumb from rear view, pointing slightly forward from the side view. Any teat abnormality denotes a “cull” and is unacceptable.
Moderate Faults:
- Narrow
- Lacking symmetrical placement
Serious Faults:
- Too short for ease of handling
- Lack of uniformity
- Strutting
Very Serious Faults:
- Too long, large or small
- Cistern
Reproductive System for Bucks
Two, evenly and fully descended, of equal size, healthy and firm. The scrotal sac is to be soft and pliable, with moderate to tight attachment.
Moderate Faults:
- Not evenly descended
Serious Faults:
- Unequal in size
Very Serious Faults:
- Poor condition
- Soft
- Tough and/or lacking elasticity
Disqualifying Faults:
- Not fully descended
- More or less than two
Two non-functional, well shaped and adequately spaced. Any teat abnormality denotes a cull and is unacceptable.
Very Serious Faults:
- Lacking uniformity and/or symmetrical placement
Disqualifying Faults:
- More or less than two
- Multiple orifice, bifurcated, double, or extra teats
- Spurs, supernumery, blind, abnormal and/or deformed