Rulings are listed with most recent decisions first, older rulings will gradually be added below. Decision dates are listed in parenthesis following each ruling. Although we have monthly board meetings, only official rulings will be listed here:
- Moving forward, age restriction will be removed from Chevon classes, and Permanent Grand Champion titles will be offered to those who qualify. (7/20/20)
- The KGBA will enact and abide by the KGBA Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures as recorded on May 15, 2017. Any future changes to these documents will require unanimous consent by all acting members of the Board of Directors. (5/15/17)
- Late renewal fees will no longer be charged on any memberships. (10/10/16)
- KGBA will include $2000 budget allowance for initial steps in creating new evaluation program. (7-11-16)
- A herd prefix can use numbers except for: 1, 5, and 0 as these could be confused with letters. (7-11-16)
- KGBA will reissue herd names if they have been issued more than ten years ago and never used. (6-13-16)
- Effective immediately, the Kinder Goat Breeders Association will require tattoos on all registration application. Microchips may still be included on registrations and serve as optional additional forms of identification, but do not replace tattoos. (2-8-16)
- Sanction fees will be waived for all KGBA Sanctioned Shows until further notice. (1/11/16)
- All fees related to membership, registering and transferring goats will be waived
- Effective January 1, 2016, an additional fee of $10 per year will be added to all registrations of goats over 12 months of age.
- All board nominees must be current members of the Association, and membership must have been in effect prior to March of the current year.
- As encouragement for those considering hosting a sanctioned KGBA show, sanction fees will be waived for all new shows taking place at new locations until otherwise noted.
- Members renewing after March 31st will be charged a $5 late fee.
- In order to run for the position of President or Vice President of the KGBA Board, nominees must have 1 year of prior experience on the board (does not have to be concurrent).