Raising any type of livestock in Illinois in winter can be challenging. This winter is no exception. With high temperatures in the single digits, keeping everything warm and cozy is a never ending battle.
I’m very blessed though. I’ve got a few things that I wouldn’t want raise critters without!
First and foremost…………..a nice warm barn!
This barn was a blessing to me and I’m very very thankful for it every single day! It isn’t finished yet. We still have to trim it out and get it stained. Hopefully that will happen this summer. It is 24×32 and has a 12′ lean to across the back. It also has two 12×12 stalls and one 12×8 stall. They are perfect maternity wards, and yet still big enough to bring the horse in if we need to. This summer I plan on converting one of the 12×12 stalls into 2 kidding stalls. That will give me three permanent kidding stalls. The 12×8 stall is already a permanent kidding stall.
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