A Kinder Goat is one that is bred according to the Kinder Score Card and the Kinder Breed Standard. As Kinder breeders we are breeding one type of goat and that is according to our standards. We do not have two or more types of goats but only one. The Kinder is a dual purpose animal that will milk and also provide a good meat carcass. The ideal Kinder doe is to be 26 inches at the withers and the bucks 28 inches. Those animals with longer more dairy type bodies and legs are not truly Kinder goats. There are many dairy animals for people to choose from, we do not need to try to make our Kinder one of those. If we are to continue to breed a dual purpose animal then we must breed according to our standards.
This is a good example of a Kinder buck.
Disclaimer: The opinions, views, and thoughts expressed by newsletter and blog contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Kinder® Goat Breeders Association. Goat husbandry advice found in the newsletter and blog is not meant to substitute a valid veterinary relationship. Please request permission to share or reprint newsletter and blog posts.