Hello Everyone!
Time has flown by this year, and I must apologize for being so lax in posting announcements! I hope to have a few up over the week, starting with today’s announcement of election results.
Our members have elected the following people to the KGBA board for 2017:
President: Sue Beck, Wisconsin
Vice-President: Ashley Kennedy, Colorado
Treasurer: Lisa LaRose, Illinois
Secretary: John James, Ohio
Member at Large: Brenda Lee Shelt, Montana
Member at Large: Kathrin Bateman, Massachusetts
Member at Large: Kam Padlina, California
Thank you for the amazing response this year – we had the highest return rate yet! If you have any interest in running for a board position in the future, please contact us and we will happily put you on a list and contact you when election time rolls around again. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming our new member and welcoming back everyone else. We feel very lucky to have board members representing members across the United States, and look forward to another productive year with the KGBA!
Disclaimer: The opinions, views, and thoughts expressed by newsletter and blog contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Kinder® Goat Breeders Association. Goat husbandry advice found in the newsletter and blog is not meant to substitute a valid veterinary relationship. Please request permission to share or reprint newsletter and blog posts.