During the Kinder Goat Show at the Missouri State Fair in 2019, the KGBA held an official One Day Milk Test. What is a One Day Milk Test? Let me explain! A One Day Milk Test is a snapshot of your doe’s production and milk components. The test weighs the milk and measures the percentage of protein and butterfat.
How does it work?
First, there is an official milk out, done at a designated time and verified by the milk tester. This “sets the clock,” so to speak, to make sure all participating does are milked out completely at the same time; the initial milk out sets the start time for the first udder fill period. This milk out is not weighed or sampled for testing. During this milk out, tattoos and registrations are verified.
Twelve hours after the initial milk out, the does are milked out again, under the milk tester’s supervision. The milk is weighed with a certified scale and a sample is taken for testing. The sample goes into a container with a preservative to protect its integrity.
The final milk out occurs twelve hours after the second milk out. This milk is also sampled and weighed. Sampling both milkings in the 24 hour period gives a total composite sample, since butterfat content can change throughout the day.
The total weights are available immediately after milk outs. Samples are sent to the lab for butterfat and protein analysis; results are usually available the day after the lab receives the samples. Results are calculated and sent to individual recipients.
Why participate in a One Day Milk Test?
A One Day Milk Test is an opportunity to view a snapshot of your doe’s production, including protein and butterfat content. This information can be helpful determining breeding and management decisions. It is also very helpful for those who do not have easy access to a lab or for those who do not wish to participate in a continuous milk test. Your doe can earn her milk stars in a One Day Milk Test. Participating in a One Day Milk Test is fun and easy!
What do I need to do to participate?
Milk your goat as you normally would, and come to the location where the One Day Milk Test is being held. Make sure your goats are registered and tattooed. Currently, if One Day Milk Tests have enough interest at a show, the KGBA is sponsoring the tests at no cost to members. Shows offering One Day Milk Testing are announced on the KGBA website and the Kinder Goat Folks and Kinder Goat Shows Facebook pages.
If you have any questions about milk testing, please visit the milk testing page or feel free to contact Ashley Kennedy at kindergoatbreeders@gmail.com. Stay tuned for part two, “What Do My Milk Test Results Mean?” in a future article! Until then, happy milking!
By Stefanie Idzikowski
Disclaimer: The opinions, views, and thoughts expressed by newsletter and blog contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Kinder® Goat Breeders Association. Goat husbandry advice found in the newsletter and blog is not meant to substitute a valid veterinary relationship. Please request permission to share or reprint newsletter and blog posts.