Welcome to our blog. Check back often for official news and announcements from the KGBA and articles on various topics of Kinder goat care, raising, breeding, showing and more!
KGBA Election Results
We are happy to announce that we had excellent voter participation in our recent election, resulting in a record number of returned ballots. Thank you all for your participation… your vote does count, and your voice (or lack thereof) makes this association what it is!
Voting results for KGBA board positions are as follows:
President – Sue Beck
Vice President – Lisa Lamm
Secretary – Jean Jajan
Treasurer – Lisa Naumann
Member at Large – Carla Durham
Member at Large – Lisa LaRose
Member at Large – Janet Rekow
Congratulations to all board members on their election, and a warm welcome to our new board member, Janet Rekow! We look forward to working with her in the years to come.
The ballot sent out this fall also included two proposed changes to our by-laws. All voting members were in favor of Proposition I, and and overwhelming majority were in favor of Proposition II. Therefor, as of January 1st, 2014, the by-laws will be amended accordingly to read:
Article XI – Fiscal Year – “The fiscal year and the operational year of the Association shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 or the same year.”
Article IX 0 Nominations and Elections – Section 1: Time and Elections – “The regular elections of Directors of the Association shall be held in the month of September of each calendar year and all Directors then elected shall serve the term for which they are respectively elected or until their successors are elected and qualified. Director nominees much be in good standing by March 1 of the election year. Board Members-at-Large shall serve for a term of three years, except when chosen by the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy by death or resignation, in which case they shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.”
Thank you all again for your support and participation as we look forward to a great new year with the KGBA!
So You Want to Have a Sanctioned Kinder Show…
By Leah Rennick
First, you will need a judge. A KGBA approved judge, which is a licensed ADGA judge or a licensed pygmy goat judge (licensed meat goat judges are not acceptable) who has received copies of the Kinder goat score card, breed standard and the KGBA show rules and regulations at least 30 days before the show. The person organizing the Kinder show is responsible for sending these papers to the judge. Judges generally charge several hundreds of dollars for a fee plus travel and expenses. You will also need a location to hold a show with adequate room for animal stalls and parking for exhibitors and visitors. There is usually a hefty fee for this rental if only to cover liability insurance for the event. These two items have kept me working with other organizations to add a Kinder show with an existing show rather than trying to create a stand-alone Kinder show. I have been told the cost of renting a facility for the show and the fee for the judge is normally taken from the cost of entry fee per animal, stall rental for animals, etc. so the more people involved sharing the expense the easier it is to afford.
After the request for show sanctioning and the sanction fee have been sent to the KGBA president, follow up to make certain that everything was received and is in order for the show to be approved providing there are enough animals at the show, then let the president know where the rosette’s for the show need to be sent (to the person organizing the show). As with any show, notify everyone and invite them to participate in the show, advertise, advertise, advertise. Send out show registrations to people and as they are returned keep a roster of the classes and who is registered for each class. You will need to pay the sponsoring group their fee for adding the Kinder show. At the show you will need a ring steward to help keep the classes running smoothly, make certain all entries are ready to enter the gate when the class is announced. You will need a secretary to record the placing of each class and make sure the judge signs off on each class. After the show these papers will need to be mailed to the KGBA show director to complete the sanctioning requirements. It is also nice if you can find someone to take photographs to send in to the KGBA for the web site, newsletter, etc.
Finally, have fun!!! Holding a show is a lot of work, but it is also great fun to meet other Kinder owners in your area and to see their wonderful goats. Good luck at the shows!
Our new Show Director, Alicia Weaver!!
Leah Rennick has made the difficult decision to step down from her position as Show Director in order to focus more time and energy on her growing soap and body product business. She has been a wonderful asset to the KGBA, working tirelessly to put on great Kinder shows throughout Missouri and helping members in other states to hold their own shows. She created our Cafe Press sight and does everything she can to promote our little goats at every show she attends. We are extremely grateful for everything that she has done, and will miss her as our show director. We are excited to see her business grow, though, and wish her all the best. Thank you, Leah!!!
Although we are sad to see Leah go, we are extremely excited to welcome Alicia Weaver as our new Show Director. Alicia resides in Missouri, and has attended many Sanctioned Kinder Shows there over the past few years. She has worked closely with Leah in the past to make these shows a success, and I have no doubt that she will continue the tradition of fun, welcoming functions that show-goers have become accustomed to. She is looking forward to working with members to develop more shows throughout the country, so please feel free to contact her for help if you are interested in holding a show near you!
Kinder Classifieds
Buying a Kinder? Selling a Kinder? Just want to look at lots of really cute pictures of Kinder goats?
Come check out the KGBA Kinder Classified on Facebook! The page was created as an easy way to sell and find registered Kinder Goats, and so far, it’s a hit! A number of Kinder connections have already been made, with kids already settling into their new homes.
The page can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/groups/kinderclassifieds/
Hope to see you there!
Champion Chevon Prizes
Last year, the KGBA board announced its decision to offer a $100 reward to the Grand Champion Chevon and a $50 reward to the Reserve Grand Champion of any sanctioned state level Kinder shows.
We are very pleased to announce that, in addition to the $100 cash prize offered by the KGBA, Tom and Sue Huston have generously offered to donate an additional $50 cash prize to the Chevon Champion of the Missouri State Fair Kinder Show. The Hustons have a long history of planning, developing and showing in sanctioned Kinder shows throughout Missouri. They have worked very hard to develop community interest and participation in KGBA activities. Hopefully, their kind gift will continue to do this for years to come, and we will see a continued increase in Kinder participation at meat goat shows. Thank you, Sue and Tom!
The recipient of the awards in this year’s only sanctioned state Chevon Championship were:
Grand Champion Chevon (recipient of $100 KGBA prize, $50 prize sponsored by Sue and Tom Huston) – Zachary’s Champion Goats Bingo
Reserve Grand Chevon (recipient of $50 KGBA prize) – Zachary’s Champion Goats Tiberous
Congratulations, Zachary Weaver!! Your hard work and careful planning was reflected in both of these fine goats!
This ongoing award is being offered in the hope that breeders will carefully consider the meat aspect of the Kinder goat as well as milk production when creating their breeding plans. Putting meat in your freezer is the foremost benefit to breeding growthy, meaty kids, but it can serve another purpose, too. Having wethers that are competitive in the show ring makes them desirable to 4H members and other show-goers, increasing their value on the open market, and offering another outlet for those extra wethers. And of course, winning in the show ring is a great way to promote your herd and Kinders as a breed.
For those interested in taking part in next summer’s shows, now is the time to start planning and breeding for beautiful, healthy, dual purpose goats that will stand out in the field and in the ring!
**To discuss creating Sanctioned Kinder Shows near you, please contact sue@jabeck.com
Show Off!!
Do you want to show off your love for Kinder goats in a fun and fabulous way?? Well, now you can!!
Promote your goats in style with clothing, cups and gear that proudly display our logos! Give awesome gifts to your goat-loving friends!
As a courtesy to our members, all merchandise is being sold at cost, with no profit going to the KGBA. Our CafePress store front can be seen at:
New items coming soon, so please check back on a regular basis.
**Interested parties are encouraged to consider donating artwork, design ideas or photos for consideration on merchandise. Please contact sue@jabeck.com. Like always, compensation will only include thanks, compliments and the warm and fuzzy feeling you get for helping to promote our great little goats.
Disclaimer: The opinions, views, and thoughts expressed by newsletter and blog contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Kinder® Goat Breeders Association. Goat husbandry advice found in the newsletter and blog is not meant to substitute a valid veterinary relationship. Please request permission to share or reprint newsletter and blog posts.