This is Oreo. Oreo’s great grand sire on his dam’s side is a brother to Bramble Patch Kinder E Lee
This is Reba’s Roma
Roma’s grand sire on her dam side is Bramble Patch Kinder Apple Jack who is the son of Bramble Patch Kinder E Lee.
I am using the buck above on this doe because he comes from my lines. By using your registrations you can do the same.
Beauty Mountain Reba’s sire was Bramble Patch Kinder Apple Jack and his dam was Bramble Patch Kinder E Lee. Reba and E Lee have both evaluated as excellent. Their lines have good udders and milk.
Oreo’s sire evaluated as excellent at around 1 year of age. Oreo’s grand sire and dam on his sire’s side both have evaluated as excellent and there is milk on both sides. His great grand sire on his dam’s side is Bramble Patch Kinder Ebony’s Black Pepper. Black Pepper’s dam (BPK Ebony) made her star in a 1 day milk test where she tested 12 pounds ( this is about 1 and 1/2 gallons) Black Pepper is a brother to Bramble Patch Kinder E Lee.
Yes, this is line breeding. If you want to have consistency in your herd then you must bring the good qualities back into your herd all the time. If you consistently out cross you will wash away all the good qualities in a very short time. In order to keep those good qualities take a look at your registrations to find the animals with the good conformation and milking ability, then look at others herds that have these same animals in their lines, then join their lines with yours. By doing this you will hopefully be keeping all those good qualities in your herd.
Concord is the sire of E Lee and E Lee is in the lines of Theo Van Goat, Oreo and Reba’s Roma.