News and Announcements
Association Disciplinary Procedures
KGBA Code of Conduct
- Reflects the goals, philosophy, and procedures as set forth by the KGBA.
- Honors the core values of integrity, respect, and accountability, as this is at the heart of everything that we do.
- Maintains a high level of ethical behavior.
- Refrains from creating disharmony in the Association by attacking the good will of other members or the organization; the flaming of a member or officer on the web or in public constitutes creating disharmony.
- Reflects stateliness and integrity at any breed organization function in such a manner as to enhance the image of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association over oneself; to refrain from misrepresenting the organization; to respect the Officers of the Association.
- Expresses good sportsmanship in all activities.
- Refrains from a conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
- Refrains from threatening actions, poor language, or unnecessary criticism of other breeders or their goats.
In addition, they commit to:
- Maintain accurate individual records so that the Kinder Goat Breeders Association and Registry is accurate overall.
- Provide accurate and appropriate registration documents to purchasers of one’s breeding stock.
- Utilize safe animal husbandry practices to insure the health and well being of one’s Kinder herd.
- Treat our animals kindly and humanely.
- Be candid and forthright in dealing with the public and potential purchasers of one’s stock.
- Be knowledgeable about the Kinder Goat Breed Standard and thoroughly familiar with the various faults one may encounter in a breeding program in order to preserve and protect the authenticity of the gene pool.
- Always maintain integrity in dealings and make every effort to maintain a good breed standard.
- To help educate the general public as well as to assist the novice breeder.
KGBA Proposes By-Law Changes
Accordingly, the Board is advancing several bylaw proposals this year. What follows are the existing bylaws in question and the changes that are being proposed. The KGBA Board of Directors has approved the proposed bylaw changes, and is presenting them for consideration by the general membership of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. Please note that any changes to the bylaws require a majority vote of members.
EXISTING BYLAW: These by-laws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting or special meeting of the membership, provided that the majority of the eligible voting membership vote in favor of such amendment or repeal, and provided further that copies of the proposed by-law changes have been furnished to each voting member by mail or hand delivered NOT LESS THAN TEN (10) DAYS preceding the meeting at which such proposed changes are adopted or rejected.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT: These by-laws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting or special meeting of the membership, provided that the simple majority vote in favor of such amendment or repeal, and provided further that copies of the proposed by-law changes have been furnished to each voting member by mail or hand delivered NOT LESS THAN TEN (10) DAYS preceding the meeting at which such proposed changes are adopted or rejected.
PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
Time Flies!
Hello Everyone!
Time has flown by this year, and I must apologize for being so lax in posting announcements! I hope to have a few up over the week, starting with today’s announcement of election results.
Our members have elected the following people to the KGBA board for 2017:
President: Sue Beck, Wisconsin
Vice-President: Ashley Kennedy, Colorado
Treasurer: Lisa LaRose, Illinois
Secretary: John James, Ohio
Member at Large: Brenda Lee Shelt, Montana
Member at Large: Kathrin Bateman, Massachusetts
Member at Large: Kam Padlina, California
Thank you for the amazing response this year – we had the highest return rate yet! If you have any interest in running for a board position in the future, please contact us and we will happily put you on a list and contact you when election time rolls around again. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming our new member and welcoming back everyone else. We feel very lucky to have board members representing members across the United States, and look forward to another productive year with the KGBA!
Volunteer for the Board of Directors
Do you love Kinders and want to help our association excel? Volunteer for the Board Of Directors!
The KGBA nominating committee is currently accepting volunteers and recommendations for the annual September election. Any person holding an individual membership effective as of March 1st is eligible to be a candidate or recommend another for a position. Those running for the positions of President and Vice President must have a minimum of one year past experience on the board.
Thinking about running? Please consider your decision carefully – becoming a board member is a wonderful way to help our Association grow and improve and we want all the help we can get, but it takes time and commitment to make things happen! Directors serve without compensation. The elected term is 1-3 years, with directors spending an average of 5-10 hours a month managing the affairs of the association.
Board members attend monthly board meetings via conference call, take part in various committees and work to promote the Kinder goat in accordance to our bylaws. Specific descriptions of each position can be found at
If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone else for a position, please contact a member of the nominating committee via email prior to August 10th. Please consider submitting a half-page bio (to included with ballots) when you express your interest in becoming a candidate. The 2016 Nominating Committee is comprised of the following people:
Sue Beck –
Ashley Kennedy –
Kathrin Bateman –
We look forward to hearing from you!