Welcome to our blog. Check back often for official news and announcements from the KGBA and articles on various topics of Kinder goat care, raising, breeding, showing and more!
2024 KGBA Election Results
Hi All! The results from the 2024 KGBA Election are in!
President: Ashley Kennedy 37 votes
Vice President: Sue Beck 35 votes
Treasurer: Lisa LaRose 37 votes
Secretary: Stephanie Lounsbury Griffin 27 votes (won), Brandon Bugay 12 votes
Member at Large, through 2027: Kathrin Bateman 34 votes (won), Write-in: Brandon Bugay 1 vote
Not up for election this year, but currently serving are:
Member at Large: Kim Moff (through 2025)
Member at Large: Lisa Lamm (through 2026)
A big thank you to everyone who ran, the KGBA appreciates your service and dedication!
2024 Youth Scholarship Awards
What a great future we have for the Kinder Goat Association! We had several applications
for the 2024 Youth Scholarship Awards: Levi Russell – Fort Plain, New York, Colt & Brynlee
Smail – Canfield, Ohio, Johanna Fuhrhop – Percy, Illinois and Emma & Macy Mounts –
Mansfield, Ohio. All of the applications were excellent candidates, however, the youth
committee needed to narrow the selection to two top applications.

Levi lives in Fort Plain, New York. He has been showing his Kinder goats at his county fair
and hopes someday to make it to the Northeast Ohio Kinder Goat Show. He can’t wait
until spring as he loves kidding season when the new baby goats are around. He helps with
chores and milks his goats. He loves going to the county fair to promote Kinder goats. He
is hoping to purchase some grooming equipment to help make his goats look better for the
show. He is also hoping to buy a portable milk stand to make traveling, and milking at
shows much easier. Congratulations to Levi!

Brynlee & Colt Smail have been working on building their Kinder herd. They are involved in
the Capriculturist 4-H Club in Canfield Ohio. In 4-H, they are involved in a program called
Pet Pals, where they work with their goats to visit nursing homes. Since they were the
recipients of the Donor Doe Program, they plan to give back to a youth and mentor them to
join 4-H and become involved in the Kinder Goat Association. They would like to buy
milking equipment to begin milking their goats when they kid in the spring. They are also
hoping to buy a crate to haul their goats to nursing homes. Brynlee & Colt will be sharing
their scholarship.
We encourage Johanna, Emma and Macy to reapply in 2025, and welcome all other youth
who are excited about the Kinder goats to complete an application in 2025. Applications
are available on the Kinder Goat Breeders Association website.
Accepting Nominees
It’s that time of year again! The KGBA nominating committee is currently accepting nominees for our annual election. Any person holding a membership as of March 1st is eligible to be a candidate or recommend another for a position. Board members attend monthly board meetings via video or conference call, take part in various committees and work to promote the Kinder goat in accordance to our bylaws. Specific descriptions of each position can be found HERE. Directors serve without compensation. The elected term is 1-3 years, with directors spending an average of 5-10 hours a month managing the affairs of the association. If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone else for a position, please contact us via email at kindergoatbreeders@gmail.com. Please include a brief introduction of yourself and why you would like to be on the board (it will be included with ballots).
We look forward to hearing from you!
MO State Fair 2024
The MO State Fair is quickly approaching! Please join us for the KGBA’s longest running sanctioned show!
August 16th – 18th in Sedalia MO
Goats have to arrive between 2pm-7pm on Friday. The actual show will be held on Saturday at 4pm and the Kinders will be released immediately afterwards or you can stay and leave Sunday morning.
Entry Deadline: Received by 7/8/2024
Register Online Here
More general information on the MO Fair Website including online registration and rules.

Showing is super easy and we will help teach you if you are nervous or don’t know what you are doing! If you can’t show, we’d still love for you to come watch at 4pm on Saturday.
Extra Information
You will NEED a 3 day vehicle pass and admission tickets for each person attending for two days. CHEAPER TO BUY AHEAD OF TIME WHEN YOU SIGN UP ONLINE. You will need to fill out the vendor form if you would like to receive prize money from the MO State Fair but it’s not mandatory.
Sleeping in the barn is allowed but you must clean up every day. I recommend asking for an extra pen to sleep in/keep your gear in. I also recommend asking to be penned next to other Kinder breeders.
Don’t forget food, bedding, and water buckets for your goats. Tarps and zipties are great to protect your animals from rain or for biosecurity.
Bring a lawn chair and enjoy hanging out with other goat breeders or walk around the fairgrounds and have fun during the down time.
Every goat will be inspected by a state veterinarian before being allowed off the trailer. Every goat on the fairgrounds must be registered and tattooed and be listed on a Certified Veterinary Inspection health paper.
Email kelseegibbs@yahoo.com with any questions!
Goat Evaluations will be offered!
We would prefer you to sign up for evaluations in advance. You will not be billed until after evaluations have been completed. Please feel free to sign up any goat you are bringing to the fair, if you choose to not have everyone scored, you will only be billed for actual animals evaluated. Per goat fee is $5!
Please email Ashley at kindergoatbreeders@gmail.com to get signed up!
Announcement: Registrar!
After 14 years of incredible service, the wonderful Jan Hodges is stepping down as Registrar. She has tirelessly given years of her life to the KGBA and I think I can speak for us all, that we could not be more grateful! We have more than tripled the number of Kinders registered in her 14 years than the previous 20+ years, starting with a modest 3,054, to today’s 9,232! Nearly all Kinders alive today have her signature on their paperwork, leaving behind an immense legacy to the breed and big shoes to fill! She says she is definitely going to miss it, although I think it means she will have more time to show us all pictures of her awesome goats 🙂
Stepping up to task is our own Melissa Lowery from WA state! She has been serving as Secretary on the Board since Jan of 2023, and has been a KGBA member since 2015. She threw her hat in the ring early for the position of Registrar should it ever come available. She is organized, level headed, and has the time and energy to commit to the job, and we couldn’t be more confident in her abilities! She and Jan are working closely on this transition to ensure everything runs smoothly.
We are attempting to spread the word far and wide, so that people can send their new paperwork directly to Melissa, to avoid delays. Please note that the NM P.O. Box is Jan’s and there will be no automatic forwarding service. Any mail sent to NM will experience a noticeable delay as it is rerouted to WA. Please make sure to print new Order Forms and double check addressed envelopes to ensure it goes directly to Melissa!
Please join me in giving a huge THANK YOU to Jan Hodges, and a warm welcome to Melissa Lowery!
2024 Evaluations
The KGBA Evaluation Program is scheduling our trips for this year!
We have a number of interested herds, but they are a bit scattered around the country. We are hoping to rustle up more interest and coordinate a few concentrated areas to send our amazing Evaluator Lisa Lamm to this year! She will also be at the TN, OH and MO shows!
If you’ve considered this program in the past, or are looking for a great way to get your herd a hands-on assessment, now is your chance. If you are already on the list, and know of more people in your area that may help us to schedule a route to your region, let us know!
Please email Ashley Kennedy at kindergoatbreeders@gmail.com
Learn more here at – https://kindergoatbreeders.com/evaluation-services/
Disclaimer: The opinions, views, and thoughts expressed by newsletter and blog contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Kinder® Goat Breeders Association. Goat husbandry advice found in the newsletter and blog is not meant to substitute a valid veterinary relationship. Please request permission to share or reprint newsletter and blog posts.